Find the Right Endospheres and Body Treatment for You
15 min Free Consultation Included
55 min
95 British pounds1 to 2 Areas
40 min
110 British pounds3 to 4 Areas
1 hr
130 British poundsFull Body
1 hr 10 min
180 British pounds40 min
80 British pounds1 hr
190 British pounds40 min
135 British poundsThree to four areas Cash discount available 10%
1 hr
1,300 British pounds3 to 4 Areas
1 hr
720 British pounds1 to 2 Areas Cash discount available 10%
40 min
1,140 British poundsFull Body Cash discount available 10%
1 hr 20 min
980 British pounds1 or 2 Areas
40 min
620 British poundsFull Body Cash discount available 10%
1 hr 20 min
1,800 British pounds1 hr
800 British pounds1 hr
1,500 British pounds40 min
750 British pounds40 min
55 British pounds40 min
500 British pounds1 hr 15 min
150 British pounds1 hr
450 British pounds1 hr
630 British pounds
Is Endospheres Therapy a safe treatment?Endospheres Therapy is a clinically tested technology, tests have been carried out at reputable universities and medical institutes. The Endospheres treatment follows a precise scientific protocol. Practitioners receive certification of their training, which we provide in full to them upon application to practice the treatment. Endospheres Therapy. As a non-surgical treatment, it is 100% safe and presents no side effects whatsoever.
How many sessions do I need to get results?You’ll start to notice results from your first treatment, but during your first meeting, your Endospheres therapist will carry out a detailed consultation to determine the appropriate number of sessions you’ll need according to your physical condition and related lifestyle factors.
How long would a complited Endosphères Therapy treatment on the body last?A complete body treatment can progress through 12 or 18 sessions. Which will happen two or three times a week, depending on your physical condition. In cases of significant inflammation, excessive sagging or excess weight, it may be necessary to carry out 24 sessions to complete your full treatment.Following an analysis of your medical history at your consultation, your therapist will determine the number of sessions needed and their frequency, e.g., whether it be two or three times per week. However, the minimum time expected and required between treatments is 48 hours to allow the body and face to recover.
Is it painful?Not at all! Endospheres Therapy is actually an extremely pleasant treatment. The method was devised precisely to avoid pain caused by inflammation of the tissues. The sensitivity of the tissues in your skin will gradually decrease over the course of a single treatment and the subsequent sessions of the cycle.
How does the maintenance cycle work?The maintenance cycle includes two sessions per month for the first three of four months. At the end of this period, the sessions reduce to one per month. Only in cases of particularly critical conditions can you repeat the complete treatment after the first three or four months.
If I wish, can I carry out a single treatment session?"Certainly! You can undergo only one session, but in this case, the results you will see and feel will be less significant and lasting than a full course would yield. To obtain long lasting results, and then see and feel a real difference and the real benefits of the treatment, it is necessary to perform the complete cycle.
Swollen Ankles - I have a problem of water (fluid) retention in my ankles. Can the Endospheres Therapy treatment be carried out in this case? Will I get results?Yes, definitely! Endospheres Therapy is a technologically advanced and sophisticated treatment that enables us to work on every part of the body from head to toe. It is clinically proven to have a very powerful and unique effect on the lymphatic system and can solve problems of lymphatic stasis in points of the body that are difficult to treat with other methods. The Endospheres treatment uses deep lymphatic drainage to help restore the normal state and reduce swelling. It is possible to carry out the treatment on the ankles with definitively surprising results.
I am pregnant. Can I undergo the Endospheres treatment?The Endospheres Therapy treatment carries out a profound stimulation of the lymphatic system. Consequently, the scientific protocol strictly suggests not to carry out Endospheres treatment during pregnancy.
I am breastfeeding. Can I undergo the Endospheres treatment?Unfortunately, this is the same as for during pregnancy.
When I shouldn't have the Endospheres treatment?You shouldn't undertake the Endospheres treatment if you are: - Pregnant - Breastfeeding - Have exposed great saphenous - Use anticoagulant medicines - Have cancer/tumour - Have current infections, including viral
When shouldn't I undertake the T-Shock 31 treatment?You shouldn't undertake the T-Shock 31 treatment if you are pregnant or have the following conditions:​ Gynaecological diseases Cardiovascular diseases Severe course of diabetes and hypertension Pronounced varicose veins Thrombophlebitis Trophic ulcers Oncological diseases Scrapes, cuts, wounds and sores on the skin
What is Celluma?Celluma is a light therapy device for treating wrinkles, acne & pain conditions.
How does it work?Celluma provides energy that helps compromised cells regenerate naturally. (Macrophage cells exposed to red light therapy release cytokines that stimulate the production of growth factors influencing the inflammatory process, healing and wound repair).
How does it help with pain & skin conditions?It increases the production of collagen & elastin, increases blood circulation and decreases inflammation.
How long does it take to work?Most people feel, or see, an improvement with one or two treatments.
But does it really work?Yes! The technology embedded in Celluma was developed by NASA.
Will I feel anything?No, there is little or no sensation, Celluma helps tissue heal naturally from the inside out. Afterwards you should feel rejuvenation and experience less pain.
Тerms and Conditions
Please arrive on time for your treatment. Late arrival will result in a shortened treatment time, however, treatments will still be charged at full price.
To cancel or change an appointment a minimum of 24-hour notice is required. Please note, if you fail to attend your appointment or cancel/reschedule it 24 hours in advance, your deposit will be forfeited and another deposit will be required to reschedule.
All courses must be paid for in full at the time of booking and completed within 3 months depending on treatment specifications outlined in the Purchase Agreement and are non-refundable. Missed appointments with no notice will result in treatments deducted from your course.
Personal details taken from clients during consultation procedures will be kept safe and in the strictest confidence.
Gift cards are valid for 3 months from the date of purchase, unless stated otherwise. They are non-refundable and non-transferable. Lost or stolen cards cannot be replaced. When you wish to visit us by card, please contact us to make a booking.
If you have any questions regarding our policies or services please contact us at